"God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs." Spencer W. Kimball

June 2, 2009

Camping at Starved Rock

Last Friday we drove to Starved Rock State Park to do a little camping.  It was great being in the great outdoors, sleeping with the wild animals, waking up to woodpeckers at 3am, eating gourmet dutch oven cooking, and making s'mores over the campfire!  We're looking forward to our next trip!

Yummy s'mores!  This is our favorite part about camping!

Shane is a true scout and always prepared- he even brought a pair of "work gloves" on our outing!

Dutch oven chicken and spanish rice. Delicious!


birdmama said...

Looks like fun! I love camping, but especially the food, the fresh air, and the shower when I get home.:)

Lonny said...

The camping experiences can't be beat.... I will miss going to scout camp with Shane this year.... I hope things work out where we can go to scout camp together next year... Anyhow, Maybe we can do a small hike while your here this summer.

Love you guys,
Dad, LJ