"God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs." Spencer W. Kimball

February 14, 2010

Our Valentine!

Happy Valentine's Day! Our little Valentine is 24 weeks old! It's amazing how much she's grown! Yesterday she took her first sip from a straw and got quite a shock when the ice water touched her tongue. She loves to watch us eat and is always trying to grab our utensils. We decided to start letting her hold a baby spoon while we eat so that she'll be used to it when we start her on cereal next month.


Linds Forrest said...

What a babe!!!
Happy Valentines to you three!
Love you!

Jill said...

She is just toooooo cute!! I'm smiling and laughing right now!!! I know she's going to love my facial expressions since she has all of them already!!