"God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs." Spencer W. Kimball

June 7, 2010

Cereal Puffs...

Molly loves the little baby cereal puffs so much that she wouldn't put the container down when I tried to take her Sunday Shot. I turned my back for just a minute and this is what I found:

"Yes! I got them open! Eat them quick before Mommy comes back!"

"Uh oh! I've been caught!"

"Time to make my getaway!"


Linds Forrest said...

That dress is so cute on her!! She's growing up so much. I can't wait to see her in July! :)

Jill said...

Our sweet little Molly! She looks pretty even with cereal puffs all over her!!