"God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs." Spencer W. Kimball

August 16, 2010

3 Weeks 'til my Birthday!

Just when we started to settle in after our vacation, Molly and I caught a virus and spent the bulk of the week in bed.  So much for my fun filled birthday weekend.  Last night we were both feeling much better and even got a few laughs from our little princess!

Put on a happy face!
It's no fun to get your picture taken when you're not feeling well, but I didn't want my birthday to go by without getting at least one picture.  We bought gluten free cupcakes from Whole Foods and put our smiles on.  (Molly loved the candle!)  Shane was a real trooper taking care of two whiny girls all weekend.  He deserves a medal!


Linds Forrest said...

Oh sad, sorry you were still sick! Hope you feel better soon, and hope your birthday was ROCKIN!! Love you!

birdmama said...

I'm sorry you were sick. It must have been that Friday the 13th thing. :) Take care!