"God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs." Spencer W. Kimball

January 17, 2011

The Kid or the Camera?

Last week in the newspaper there was a picture of a kid kissing (licking) the snout of a pig.  The caption read," Are you an experienced parent?  You can tell how experienced a parent you are by whether you grab the child or grab the camera."

With that fresh in my mind I didn't give it a second thought when I heard Molly yelling and turned to see her stuck in the rocking chair.  I grabbed the camera!


Jill said...

Oh...I just love it!! I'm laughing, but I'm so glad you took the picture!! Love you Molly!!

Linds Forrest said...


Danny and Becky DuPaix said...

Ha ha! Love it! My cute grandma mailed that article to me. Funny stuff! Also, love the playroom! I want to convert the downstairs bedroom to a playroom. We never use that guest bed. It's such a waste of a room. I love the mirrors too!