"God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs." Spencer W. Kimball

August 9, 2011

Pillow Project

Seriously, does it get any better than this!

 I started this pillow for Molly the day she was born.  We were waiting at the hospital for Molly's birth and I still needed some embroidery thread.  There was a craft store across the street and since it didn't appear that Molly would make her appearance for several hours we decided to walk over and buy the thread.  20 minutes later as we were walking through the hospital doors we got a phone call from Molly's birth-grandfather saying that we needed to get to the birthing room as quickly as possible.  Miracle of miracles, our sweet baby girl was born within the hour.

I finished the embroidery work before Molly was 2 weeks old and then it sat. And sat, and sat.  And now, just in time for Molly's birthday next month, I'm finished!  Yeah!
Molly is just as excited as I am!

1 comment:

jeanniedupaix@hotmail.com said...

I'm so glad you got it done. Now Lilly and Molly have similar pillows. You did a good job!