"God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs." Spencer W. Kimball

May 2, 2011

Spring Fun!

Molly has decided that she is officially part of our dining scene.  No more being buckled in (although she will sit in the booster seat...most of the time), no more cut up quesadillas (our lunch time staple), and "yes, please!" to any and all condiments whether she likes them or not!  She cracks us up! 

Her new favorite things is watching home videos on the computer and if ever she catches me sneaking off to check my email, she is right behind me to take custody of the keyboard.  Today she watched a 1 minute clip of her grandparents 6 times in a row.  As soon as it would finish she'd sign "more" and call out "Bampa" (Grandpa), making it hard to resist our little munchkin.  She knows what she wants and is getting to be quite dramatic when she doesn't get her way.  Luckily her crocodile tears can usually be consoled with a big hug!

Our church had a big Luau over the weekend.  I'm wearing a muu-muu that my grandma wore as a missionary on the Hawaiian islands back in the 70's.  I love it!

Shane had the 16-17 year old young men from church come over to our house and hear about his mission in Paris, France.  We made crepes for them to eat and Molly fell head over heels in love with nutella.
Show us that nutella grin!

 We had some leftover pudding from the Crepe Fest, so I let Molly try her hand at fingerpaintting.

It's delicious!


Linds Forrest said...

That mumu is awesome! You should try a Nutella and honey sandwich. To die for! I hope it works out for you guys to come on May 20th, that would be so great. Love you guys!

Jill said...

Oh Molly...you are so cute!! I'm glad you love your Nutella, just like your Daddy! I'm sure the Hawaiian night was really fun, you all look really cute!