"God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs." Spencer W. Kimball

May 4, 2009

Broken Camera won't ruin our Spring!

It finally feels like spring around here and we are spending as much time outside as possible. Last weekend we got a table and chairs for our patio but because of rain we didn't test them out until yesterday.  Once we sat down to our BBQ feast and tried to document the moment with a photo our camera went all crazy adding in all kinds of stripes, blurs, and colors.  Off to the repair shop for you, dear camera. Hopefully it will make a speedy return!


Linds Forrest said...

Love the patio furniture! Looks cute!! Feel better camera

camille said...

Bummer on the camera!!! We can't wait to come over and see the new patio furniture. (hint, hint!) :)

The Bennett Family said...

So fun to get new furniture! I think that picture actually looks really cool...like you guys are see-through!