Hi, my cousin forwarded the email with your info on it. We adopted a little boy about 22 months ago. I understand the crazy journey that it can be. We began with lds family services, but then we went to another agency and got our son 2 2 weeks later...it was a great experience. If you want more info I would love to tell you all about it.
All the best in your adoption journey. I know how difficult the wait is. We are the parents of two sweet daughters from China.
Our friend Natalie gave us your blog address. It's wonderful.
Doug and Suzie Daley
Hi, my cousin forwarded the email with your info on it. We adopted a little boy about 22 months ago. I understand the crazy journey that it can be. We began with lds family services, but then we went to another agency and got our son 2 2 weeks later...it was a great experience. If you want more info I would love to tell you all about it.
Lyndi Dunlavy
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